Nrityanjali FEST is an interschool competition for children being held since the last two decades. It is a part of Nrityanjali's Social Responsibility and Social Service initiative, held in Raigad District, Thane District, Mumbai & Navi Mumbai.
It was first organised in 1987, to give children an opportunity to display their talent and gain confidence
FEST has more than 90 categories of events – literary, speech, handwriting, drawing, acting, music, dance and drama – for Jr. K.G to Std. X.
Students from Schools in and around Mumbai and Thane District participate. The Competitions are organised in Four zones - Central, Western, Navi Mumbai and South Mumbai. Nominal fees are charged and the entire expenses are met from Nrityanjali Fund collected through performances and management trainings.
Apart from the prize winners, every participant is issued a Certificate of APPRECIATION. Special care is taken of the participating children during the competition.
The purpose of these competitions is to help develop self-confidence and the spirit of competitiveness. "One must try to win but if not, one must learn to lose gracefully."
'In the year 2022, beginning of the 60th year, Nrityanjali celebrated its DIAMOND JUBILEE and 36th Year of Nrityanjali FEST.
The pandemic had made it seem impossible, but the love and enthusiasm of our regular participating Schools, participants and their parents have encouraged us to go ONLINE.
This year is our 38th year of celebrating Nrityanjali FEST. We are happy to announce our new BOARD OF ADVISORS of Nrityanjali Fest - Inter School Competitions.
Join us in this endeavour and help us make it a grand.
ALL Participants will be awarded
Certificate of Appreciation
1. a) Entries through Schools only.
b) Complaints and suggestions if any, must be routed through the School Representatives.
2. Applications to be DULY TYPED.
3. a) Format of the entry form is given below.
b) Each institution can send
any number of entries.
c ) Separate forms should be sent for each competition, item and group, along with fees.
d) Please specify LANGUAGE and Standard
e) Details of Time table and Venue enclosed
4. The Management reserves the right to permit Spot Entries.
5. Students should be in their SCHOOL UNIFORM and accompanied by their teachers.
6. Nrityanjali reserves the right to cancel a Competition and refund the amount.
7. All decisions of Nrityanjali will be binding on all participants and cannot be challenged.
8. Cheques to be drawn in favour of "NRITYANJALI INSTITUTE".
9. Cheques below the amount of Rs.1000/- will NOT BE ACCEPTED
10. Participants are to bring their own CD Player. Nrityanjali will NOT PROVIDE the PLAYER.
11. Presence of Parents / Guardian / Others NOT PERMITTED during Competitions of Vocal, Drawing,Recitation, Story Telling, Elocution, Hand Writing, Essay, GK, Solo Dances, Mono Act
To participate in the Nrityanjali Fest, download the form
CLICK TO DOWNLOADLast date of Registration
For Results 2024 : click here
For TimeTable click here
Schools from Vashi to Panvel through Harbour Line come under the Navi Mumbai Zone.
For Results 2024 : click here
For TimeTable click here
Schools from Mahim to Virar through Western Railway come under the Western Zone.
Last date of Registration
For Results 2024 : click here
For TimeTable click here
Schools from Colaba / Cuffe Parade - through Mazagaon / Worli to Matunga / Matunga Road / King Circle come under South Mumbai Zone
For Results 2024 : click here
For TimeTable click here